Rosa and Isaac. THE most soul full, love full, joy full, beauty full, life inspiration full, ridiculously gorgeous, emotional, deep, true and convicting wedding story in the world. A perfect union of two outstanding life winning kind kind individuals. There are not great enough words, nor images worthy of this love story - it was and is ABOVE and beyond!!! I wish everyone in the world was able to experience this day. A day that left us all believing that little or lot bit more in true great deep and life changing love, reminding us of the value of kindness, and the great rewards that come from a colourful and loving community.
Rosa and Isaac - your wedding day was the most incredible testament to the people that you are as individuals AND together. The great thought that you devoted to make every part of the day not only exquisitely beautiful but also a personal gift and experience for each and every guest and friend, made us all feel so so special and loved. You have woven a life of genuine joy and truest beauty, sharing it with all those you encounter! Your day was a celebration that will feed the souls of many in a forever kind of way. Thank you. xx

Rosa and Isaac. 29th November 2014. Christchurch.
Thank you to Amber for her always amazing assistance and wonderful second shooting. x