In a place of possibility...
Both safe as well as free..
Within the reach of magic...
And all that you could be...
There are lands you will discover...
Where your smile will burst to sound...
& your heart will feel most fluttery...
As your feet lift off the ground!
You will paint the sky with candy...
As you leap into its grace...
To float and fly...
As worlds pass by...
At a pleasant kind of pace!
You see, today is full of maybes...
That tomorrow, might become...
An open door...
That beckons your...
heart, closer to the sun!
Dear Cassidy,
You are so so so lovely!
Thank you so much for dancing your dance,
For sharing your smile,
as well as all of your wonderful fresh energy!
You are a truly gorgeous girl both inside and out
and I am very excited for your future!
I just loved photographing you,
and had such a fun day on the mountain,
with wonderful costume changes and great frolicking!
I hope you enjoy your photos lots and lots,
and wish you a wonderful year of dance and daydreams!
Much love, light and laughter!
Tracy : )
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