Atop of her ladder...
A view to the sky.
A world to be conquered...
And a glint in her eye.
Upon rocky ground...
She masters the scene.
A nightmare of sorts...
Or the sweetest of dreams.
The fortress is hers...
No others contend.
She's queen of the castle...
No need to pretend.
She gaurds it with pride...
She wears it with flair,
She knows who she is...
She is free of all fear.
Dear Necch,
Queen B...
I am SOOOO happy I know you!
You are a human of the highest!
The realest. The greatest!
You really are fear free, truly, awesomely & celebratingly YOU!!
(except when you are playing Beyonce, and then you are
like a great mixture of the two SHE goddesses combined!)
It is so LIBERATING to be around you!!!!
You make everyone laugh and have the amazing ability to
bring the greatest of joy out of the people you surround!
Thank you so much for making me smile so genuinely
EVERY time I even think about you!
I think everyone does. You are just so YOU and
The Neechest! The nicest!
I love being your friend,
And I love watching you dance your fierce dance,
And I LOVED photographing you!
Thank you so much Neech!
You are a truly talented and beautiful human,
and there is nothing in your way!
Go get your dreams and fly lady!
Love you heaps!
Love Trace x
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