Friday, January 25, 2013

Up Paths of Purple Pavement...

Close your eyes...

And make a wish...

And spin yourself around.

Throw a bit of sparkle...

Let your feet come off the ground.

The world will meet your wonder...

You both will laugh out loud...

You'll tiptoe into happiness...

And fly right through the clouds.

You can make friends with the  monarchs...

If you give a little wave...

It really is  quite easy...

If you can be a little brave!

From out your door you'll wander...

With your sparkle all alight...

Up paths of purple pavement...

Your hope in all that's bright.

Your wishes are majestic...

Your poise so full of grace...

The sparkle has become you....

Be mindful of its pace.

In measure it's endearing...

In balance, rather nice...

In overflow finds perfect...

In overdose, a vice.

And then you're left a'dreaming,

of all you hoped would be...

Remembering a time before

when wishes set you free.

Kerry you are delight FULL!!!!

You bought to the Rainbow your bags full of confetti 

and your heart full of glow!!! It was so so 

wonderful to spend the day with you parading around

town in sparkly outfits! You are a wonderful 

model and SUCH a FUN FUN human being!!!!

Thank you so much for all your willingness and 

positivity!!!!!!! I LOVED working with youuuu!!!!

And a big thank you to Becca for being a fantastic 

hair/makeup and photo assist too!

Such a fun day!!!

I hope you like your pictures lots and lots!

Much love and light

Tracy : )   


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