Friday, July 13, 2012

The Little Red River Queen.

She is passionate, kind, giving,
enthusiastic and encouraging, 
beautiful, determined, driven,
open, joyous and HILARIOUS,
 extremely talented and truly stunning! 

She is preciously unique and wonderfully treasured!!

..and she is AMAZING to work with!

Sierra. little red riding hood!

A rose and a robe to paint her way...

a moss drenched arch,

an autumn day.

A bright red hood...

to grace her crown,

the birds above...

the only sound.

A time to fly...

A time to dance...

A wishful thought...

A thank-full glance.

Carefree in white...

she counts her pearls...

each one with love,

a bless-ed girl!

And in the stream...

Queen for a day,

she stands knee deep...

and starts her play.

A masquerade act...

of a sinking Queen,

with ferns of green to set the scene!

Amazing Sierra,

You astound me always!
You are forever growing, learning
and blossoming and it is so so 
wonderfully inspiring to watch!
You are overflowing with passion
for your craft, as well as for your people! 
You have a light in your 
heart that is bright and delightful
and it glows warmly with such
 pleasure and love for life!

You are a beautiful beautiful person
through and through and a truly wonderful
friend! Thank you so much for being so
amazing in my life! I feel so happy
in your company and so inspired
by your spirit!

So much love to you in Vienna today
my friend! Chasing your dreams
and wandering the brightest of rainbows!

You are a STAR and I love you!!!


love trace   : )

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Instructions for Falling out of Rabbit Holes.

she looks up. laughs. 

calling to wolves and rabbits.

my mother said, that... i never should
play with the gypsies in the wood

if i did... 



remembers her(self) and tells a story
age five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven
as sixteen going on seveteen

a yesterday and tomorrow

she begins to turn. to spin. unrestricted by space her lips part and she smiles.
she stops and stands...
the space around her keeps moving...

as she turns and walks away.

stretching space and temporalities she realizes the capacity of a body existing 
beyond confinement to rabbit holes.

gathering skirts and stories
is it time to speak?

she was born in a dollhouse
or so she should have been

playing at life on a manageable scale

enacting and manipulating an 'appropriate' presence

a way to be here, now

collecting bodies and words

as a child she did just this

bodies and words as books and dolls

shall i pose for you now?

in red? to match babies rosy cheeks?
in red? for danger when the wolves come?

there is nobody here but we two, darling...

in red she matches babies rosy cheeks
in red for danger when the wolves come
she runs on all fours

the whiteness of this red appropriates nothing.

the color of poppies.

the color of sacrifices.

her panting tongue hangs out.

shall i pose for you now?



pretend that you are my world?

flutter my eyelashes?

widen my eyes?

instructing myself to fall out of rabbit holes.

Emily Campbell!

You are sooo wonderful! Thank you so
so much for your amazing generous self,
words and ways! You are one of my largest
inspirers on my own creative journey and I
am so so sooo happy we have been able to
create this together! I am constantly blown
away by your depth, beauty and openness!

Thank you so so much for sharing
your amazing words to this rather special
blog and thank you for your precious
friendship too! You really are a sparkly
gem - rich & ruby coloured!

So much love and thanks to you!!

Love Trace xx

Accompanying text extracted and adapted from Posing Fragments of Flesh and Story: Choreographic Self-Portraiture and the Sexuate Subject(Campbell, E. 2012. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Dance Studies. The University of Auckland.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Hydrangea Bride.


Endless elegance and ultimate grace 
wrapped up in a deeply beautiful soul 
of kindness, love and loveliness. 

She really is amazing...

Every gesture exudes her beauty....

Each glance, telling in its subtlety.

She overflows with gentleness & generosity...

& sparkles with angel rays from
the inside out!

Sofia is an ethereal princess...

of a very unique and precious sort.

On this day we took to the dunes of Bethells...

with a bouquet of hydrangea...

and shoulder pads to match!

A picture of dignity...

with quiet strength in her fragile form.

She is a rainbow of beautiful possibility...

aglow with colour...

inspiringly amazing...

yet with enormous and endearing humility.

Sofia is wonderfully refreshing...

and extraordinarily generous 
with her sparkling self!

Atop of the dunes...

in a floating skirt of skeleton...

Sofia began an afternoon dance.

With the sun on her skin...

she extended her limbs skyward...

in a twisty dance of uncurly becoming.

She tested the sands
as a stage for her feet...

to-ing and fro-ing...

in a most golden hue.

A veiled body...

chasing the light...

in a whimsical whirl of frivolous freedom.

Until it did slip away.

Sof... you are too incredible!!

You are such a blessing to all who grace your life
You are overflowing with super genuine amazing 
love for the people and for all of their 
precious uniquenesses!

I think you are one of the most incredible dancers
ever in the whole wide world and that you have
such a special fairy beauty like a butterfly!

It is such a privilege to watch you fly
in all your lovely shades of colour
and I am ever so thankful to know you!

Thank you so much for your wonderful spirit
and beautiful movement on this day (and always)
I truly do love it so so much and am so grateful
for the special images we were able to 
make together!!

Thank you Sof!!!!
Your amazing!!!

Much love

Trace x