Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Castle Lands.

Atop of her ladder...

A view to the sky.

A world to be conquered...

And a glint in her eye.

Upon rocky ground...

She masters the scene.

A nightmare of sorts...

Or the sweetest of dreams.

The fortress is hers...

No others contend.

She's queen of the castle...

No need to pretend.

She gaurds it with pride...

She wears it with flair,

She knows who she is...

She is free of all fear.

Dear Necch,

Queen B...

I am SOOOO happy I know you!

You are a human of the highest!

The realest. The greatest!

You really are fear free, truly, awesomely & celebratingly YOU!!

(except when you are playing Beyonce, and then you are

like a great mixture of the two SHE goddesses combined!)

It is so LIBERATING to be around you!!!!

You make everyone laugh and have the amazing ability to 

bring the greatest of joy out of the people you surround!

Thank you so much for making me smile so genuinely

EVERY time I even think about you! 

I think everyone does. You are just so YOU and 



The Neechest! The nicest!

I love being your friend,

And I love watching you dance your fierce dance,

And I LOVED photographing you!

Thank you so much Neech!

You are a truly talented and beautiful human,

and there is nothing in your way!

Go get your dreams and fly lady!

Love you heaps!

Love Trace x

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ever Beautiful.

Your wings are made of purest white...

Your path is paved with Gold.

Your sleepy head does lay to rest...

To dream of tales untold.

Sometimes it feels impossible...

To fly to heights above...

But maybe it's ok to fall...

With trust held in the dove.

In foreign lands of beautiful...

There is freedom to be found...

With colours new...

Aglow for you...

And a peace that will resound.

Dear Larissa,

Beautiful hope, Positive soul, Wonderful, Delightful, Gorgeous Larissa!

The day I spent with you was so very special. 

You said to me at the end of your shoot that what we had begun to make

was very different from what you normally might choose to do...

and I want to thank you for that. For being vulnerable. Thank you for sharing 

maybe a quieter side of yourself...  A very precious and lovely side. Thank you

for inviting me into your home, and thank you also for adventuring to other 

lands that too, feel like home!..  and of course, thank you for dancing for me!!

You  have such a dear heart and I think it is truly special that we could make 

a shoot, and dance a dance to reflect even a smidge of the beauty that is inside there!


Much love and gratitude,

Tracy xo

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A place of possibility...

In a place of possibility...

Both safe as well as free..

Within the reach of magic...

And all that you could be...

There are lands you will discover...

Where your smile will burst to sound...

& your heart will feel most fluttery...

As your feet lift off the ground!

You will paint the sky with candy...

As you leap into its grace...

To float and fly...

As worlds pass by...

At a pleasant kind of pace!

You see, today is full of maybes...

That tomorrow, might become...

An open door...

That beckons your...

heart, closer to the sun!

Dear Cassidy,

You are so so so lovely!

Thank you so much for dancing your dance,

For sharing your smile,

as well as all of your wonderful fresh energy!

You are a truly gorgeous girl both inside and out

and I am very excited for your future! 

I just loved photographing you,

 and had such a fun day on the mountain,

with wonderful costume changes and great frolicking!

I hope you enjoy your photos lots and lots,

and wish you a wonderful year of dance and daydreams!

Much love, light and laughter!

Tracy : )